How Can We Help You?

What We Do

Strategic Focus
ICAP is a premier accountancy body recognized internationally regulating the profession in Pakistan, producing quality professionals with world-class competencies and creating value for its members, profession, business and society.

Categorically, the Ordinance prescribes two broad functions of ICAP; awarding qualification of Chartered Accountancy and awarding and regulating membership.

However, another important function comes out implicitly being sole regulator of the accounting qualification i.e. thought leadership in the areas relevant to accountancy, businesses, economic policies and governments’ endeavors towards sustainable development.

ICAP supports and facilitates not only its members but also the government, the regulators and the business community. The Institute, being the custodian of the accounting profession in Pakistan, has gradually evolved to ensure transparency, accountability and good governance within the profession.

Simultaneously, the Institute has firmly established itself as a premier institution, which produces qualified accountants, who are not only in high demand within the country but have also made a mark for themselves outside Pakistan.

Global Positioning
ICAP is a globally-recognized professional accountancy body, bringing value to its members, the profession and the wider community. Though ICAP, as compared to other accountancy bodies, is a small in membership size, but on global forums it has very prominent place.

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