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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – CPD Declaration & Commitment

1. What is CPD?

Continuing professional development refers to learning activities that develop and maintain capabilities to enable professional accountants to perform competently within their professional environments.

2. Who has to complete CPD?

All ICAP members who are currently active in the workplace are required to complete CPD on an annual basis. Retired/life time or members on career break are exempt from CPD. New members are required to participate in CPD activities from the month of admission and the requirements are prorated accordingly.

3. What is the requirement of completing CPD hours in one rolling period?

  • For all members, rolling period will commence on July 1 in the year following the date of admission of a member. For any incomplete first year of membership, member will be required to complete 2 hours for each complete months.
  • The excess of CPD hours of one year may be carried forward to the next year within a rolling period only. At the end of a rolling period the excess hours shall be nullified, however, the members will be required to complete their shortfall hours to avoid any sanctions, as prescribed by the Council

4. What counts as CPD?

ICAP recognizes a number of learning activities as CPD as long as it is relevant to the current role or future career aspirations of members.

CPD examples:

  • E-learning (webinars, courses, podcasts, online articles)
  • Learning at work
  • Face-to-face courses
  • Working on committees/panels/discussion groups
  • Undertaking research
  • Additional qualifications
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Networking
  • Publications and technical articles

5. Why should I do CPD?

It is the responsibility of every professional to keep their knowledge and skills updated. CPD helps you to achieve your career objectives and create positive opportunities for you. It is the best way to improve and excel in your career. How much you can benefit from CPD depends entirely upon your willingness to learn new skills, knowledge and experience.

6. What evidence do I need to keep?

You may keep attendance, certificates and forms for your record. You may be selected in sample audit to verify the record. Also, the declaration form is a sign of evidence of completing CPD hours.

7. How much CPD credit hours I receive for different activities?

For each activity you receive a different number of CPD hours. For details, please review the updated CPD Directive 8.01. (Download)

8. Who are exempted from CPD?

Members who fall in following categories are exempted:

  • Incapacitated or ill so that he/ she cannot perform normal work
  • Retired/life time members
  • Career breaks
  • Members holding public offices such as Federal Ministers, Provincial Ministers, Advisors to
  • Ministers, Senators, MNAs, MPAs etc. during the currency of their offices.

9. What if I am not able to complete the required CPD hours by the end of the year?

Each member has to complete a total of 120 hours within a 3-year rolling period. If you are not able to meet the required number of CPD hours by the end of first year, you will have to sign in the declaration form after which you will be given a period of 180 days to complete the remaining hours. The same procedure applies after 3 year rolling period

10. How do I maintain my record for CPD hours?

Each member is responsible for maintaining and retaining his CPD records and related evidences. A member may update member’s record maintained by the Institute online or he may keep the information through any other medium. The records maintained by the member should demonstrate that the member understands and complies with the Regulations.

Update your CPD record online by following the below steps:

  • Step 1: Log on to your Members account by visiting
  • Step 2: Click on Update the CPD Record
  • Step 3: Enter the CPD activity and the requisite hours
  • Step 4: Submit

The records will be updated within 24 hours.

11. Why do I maintain my record for CPD hours?

A member shall be required to submit annually to the Institute a declaration in a specified format online, confirming member’s compliance with this Directive and, if requested by the Institute, provide such evidence of compliance as may be required. Click here to download the Declaration form

12. I want to earn CPD Hours by reading The Pakistan Accountant, how much CPD hours do I get for reading the magazine?

Actual reading time, subject to maximum of 2 hours per article subject to the maximum of 10 hours per annum.

13. How do I subscribe for the magazine?

For the subscription of Pakistan Accountant, contact the ICAP Head Office or write to

14. How do I access Digital Learning Hub?

The Digital Learning Hub (E-learning Platform) was launched in 2020 for ICAP members to enable easy access to a knowledge pool of resources in various categories such as Auditing Standards, Corporate Governance, Islamic Banking, Ethics, Risk Management to name a few. In order access the resources at DLH, all you need to do is to log on to your member account and then click Digital Learning Hub to start your learning journey and earn maximum CPD hours.

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